Dr. Simon Ngui (Retired)

Dr. Simon Ngui (Retired) ( Family Physician )
Dr. Simon Ngui is the founder of Fraser Street Medical. He graduated from University of Ottawa with a BA (’67) and MD (’71), followed by an internship at St. Paul’s Hospital in 1971. He then served as a family physician overseas, flying in helicopters to serve remote jungle villages. He has been in family practice in South Vancouver since 1975. Affiliated with Mt. St. Joseph Hospital and BC Children’s Hospital with a long history of full service family practice, delivering hundreds of babies. He is fully committed in helping to provide comprehensive and compassionate medical care and is dedicated to growing FSM to serve all the members of our community.
Clinic Hours: n/a
Dr. Simon Ngui practiced as a locum in July 1975 and July 1976; and, shortly after, Dr. S. Ngui opened a clinic on Main Street and moved to Fraser Street Medical in 1989.